Write in Some “Me Time”

stay for the giveaway!

You may have read previously in my blog, I wrote a piece Passionate Planning. This is a similar piece, about the Passion Planner that I recently bought. Passion Planners come in in various different set ups, all which you can explore here. The one I had last time was “undated” meaning, as it sounds – there were no dates to bind you – you could skip a week or two if you fell behind or even whole months. I’ll admit, I missed 3 months for a time. The whole point of getting the agenda was to stay on top of myself, but as Angelina Trinidad, the CEO of Passion Planner says, “forgive yourself” don’t feel like you’re doing bad just for not keeping up, or that you’re not the best at keeping a planner.

This time I bought the “dated” version, trying to force myself to be a little more with it, and keep myself on track since I don’t have an actual angry football coach yelling over my shoulder telling me to get up and get shit done (in a much louder voice of course). Recently hasn’t been so “picture perfect” for me. I moved in with my boyfriend in June, and while all things on the relationship front are lovely, staying on top of cleaning are not. We’re both admittedly no more lazy than the other, but that doesn’t help our situation. We do a deep clean about every month, but we don’t keep up with it. As much as I’d love to point the finger, it just points back at me. I quit my job in mid September and have been doing nothing (basically) but looking for jobs everyday since. It really sucks you dry when no one replies even just to say, “Sorry, you suck. We can’t possibly hire you.” This by itself doesn’t motivate me to do anything at all. If you’ve had to look for a job (which I’m sure you have) you know what I mean – it’s depressing! Not to mention, this whole time since January of 2016 I have been trying to just get it together and sit down and study so that I can take the GRE to get back into college and get my Master’s in Social Work. And even though getting back into school seems pretty top priority, getting a job is very quickly taking over.

Even though things were and have become a little tougher, it is good to stick to routines to get us through things. Especially when those routines require us tallying our daily tasks, to-dos and laundry lists (or listing literal laundry). I have found, just as the good people at Passion Planner have suggested, that using little things like – highlighters, paperclips or sticky notes – you can help yourself keep better track of your high priority tasks or even color code separate areas of your life, i.e. school, work, exercise, hanging out with friends. They also suggest putting pictures inside your planner and using fancy pens to make it more unique – more “you”. Below are some pictures of when my planner was at it’s peek.

Other people prefer to “bullet journal”. I have never quite mastered that. It is supposed to be very simplified and just a basic listing of things, but from the numerous videos I’ve watched about it, bullet journaling seems a little more complicated. Some even use the Passion Planner for its outline – the “roadmap” at the beginning of the planner – and will place washi tape over the times listed down each day so that they can proceed as fit. And really, that’s how Trinidad built the planner – to be used as you like, in whichever way suits you best.

So, this January, as I said I ordered another one. A dated one this time. Shipping was a little confusing, I contacted the company, and guess what? They were so nice – they sent me two!!

So it’s a giveaway! I’ll be giving away the second planner to a random follower!

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I will be choosing the winner by making sure they meet all requirements. All readers have 24 hours after the blog is posted to finish.

That’ll be at 8:30 pm 1/17/19.

Good Luck, I’ll be choosing a winner within the next few days and getting back to them!

Until then, happy planning!